Maintenance Agreement Thank You for choosing us as Your Pool Service! Please carefully read and fill out the agreement form below. 1 Step 1 *Where Are You Located? We Only Provide Service To The Below Orlando AreasAvalon ParkAvalon LakesStoneybrookEastwoodWaterford Lakes First Nameyour full nameno-icon Last Nameyour full nameno-icon Complete Pools agrees to service the pool located at: Residents Addressno-icon Gate Codeno-icon Emaila valid emailemail Phone #no-icon *Please Select Your Agreed Monthly Pool Service PriceScreened $150/month (up to 20,000 Gallons)Unscreened from $170/month (up to 20,000 Gallons)Screened $180/month (20,000 Gallons or more)Unscreened from $190/month (20,000 Gallons or more)Chemical Only *Salt Pools (Screened Only) (up to 20,000 Gallons), $100/monthHot Tub Service (weekly) (In-Ground Only) $90/month *Please Select Your Pool SystemChlorineSaltOzone *Is this a new pool/new surface?Yes (1-4 Weeks old)No *What Is The Current Condition Of Your Pool?Good - No AlgaePool has Algae (there will be a minimum charge of $125 Algae Clean Up in addition to your regular service) *Minimum Duration of ServiceYes, I agree Complete Pools will service my pool for a minimum of 3 consecutive months Weekly Service Includes:VacuumBrushNetTest Pool ChemicalsClean Filter when neededAdd Appropriate ChemicalsEmpty Baskets *Customer is responsible to maintain proper water level, half way of the tile line and a clean workable environment for the technician.Yes, I agree *There will be no credits issued to the customer for service not provided due to locked gates, animal prohibitors or any other problems beyond our control that might prohibit us from servicing your pool or spa. If you would like us to return before the next scheduled visit or have a pool related issue that needs addressing, there will be a $40 return trip fee. Additional service visit requested by customer will be $75/visit.Yes, I agree*There will be no credits issued to the customer for service not provided due to locked gates, animal prohibitors or any other problems beyond our control that might prohibit us from servicing your pool or spa. If you would like us to return before the next scheduled visit or have a pool related issue that needs addressing, there will be a $40 return trip fee. Additional service visit requested by customer will be $75/visit. The pool will be Chemical Serviced in the event of thunder and lightening when technician is at your pool. *By submitting this agreement I understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth on "this date" by Complete Pools and myself. I agree the current price is not contracted, due to increasing inflation costs, monthly pool service price may increase:YES, I agree to these terms * Complete Pools will contact you after submission to obtain credit card payment info. Commentsmore details0 / SUBMIT AGREEMENT keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right FormCraft - WordPress form builder COMPLETE POOLS (407)-704-1285 © 2024 Complete Pools | All rights reserved. | Designed by the logonom. Work requiring Florida state licensure performed by DBPR licensed contractor. LIC# SCC131152474